The Friends of the Library group accepts donations of new and used hard cover and paperback books,
records, CDs, and DVDs at their sorting center located at
4747 West Napoleon Avenue in the Administration section of the East Bank Regional Library in Metairie on Tuesdays and Thursdays between
9 a.m. and 1 p.m. There are also drop bins in the side of the building marked for the Friends.
FJPL reserves the right to refuse or discard donations as identified below:
Condition: Books with the following flaws: taped, torn, or bent covers; damaged spines, malodorous; wet, mildewed,
or excessively dirty books; and/or excessive underlining or writing on the pages.
Age limitations in certain categories: Health; Self-Help; Business; any category of Textbooks - must not be older than 5 years;
Encyclopedias—must not be older than 2 years (some exceptions);
Computers—must not be older than 3 years
We cannot accept the following: Magazines; Readers Digest Condensed Books; Home Recorded Videos; Sets or Partial Sets of Law Books
For more information, please call 504-455-2665 and leave your question
on the answering machine, or e-mail FriendsJPL@Yahoo.com.
Someone will get back to you shortly.